Make your teams Mondays and Tuesdays a staff morale HR team building boosting solutions day. Bringing fun into the employee workforce is a great idea for low cost budget team building morale booster and inter connectivity for positively Thrilling staff engagement.
Start the week and day off with the first item on the agenda.
- laughter
- yoga
- pitches
- shark tanks
- pictionary
- pop quizzes
- slogan/s
- saying/s
- quotes of the literary kind –
- slam poetry – yes get up and read it out loud – thoughts shared are better than spared
- graffiti – yep get something that you are happy to destroy and go for it, create your own tag!
- talking one to one on a light topic of conversation
- chinese whispers or any other language or cultural tradition that you have in your staff team
- dress ups – Western, Bear Grylls, Survivor day, Super Heros, Favourite Food, Colour, Wicked, Actor
- Cook / Prepare Brunch or Lunch Together each contributing to share hygienically (did you get your flu vaccination?)
- build a toy together to gift to a child
- make it like lightening speed genuine networking without the corny dating lines
- get connected with each person in the office, breathe and relax – no judgement!
Often challenge is to spend some quality time with employees however finding the time organise a quality team building ideas and a suitable activity quickly is the challenge for corporate Time poor people. You can hire us at Thrill to make your Mondays a thrilling start inspiring staff to switch on mindfully to the working week. Just start doing it – No rights or wrongs just people interactions that are +ve. Its amazing what you will achieve.
Turns out, your workers aren’t so demanding after all and even the shortest fun activity can be a massive employee happiness boost.
Believe it or not: In this article Thrill’s Konrad Lippmann’s (25 years of team building facilitation for the toughest teams on earth) will cover 5-50 awesome ideas to organise a fun motivating 1hr to full day for people at work, to work.
Here’s 50 Quick witted Team Building Success Activity Ideas of Fun Office Ice Breaker Monday Itis Morale Boosting Games
to Keep the Working Day +ve and Staff Motivated for The Working Week
#1 Dress for success
Yes come to work dressed in your best outfit, super hero and be de’boniare!
#2 Play Minute 2 Win IT Games
minute 2 win it games
#3 Each Person bring a new Game and set 30 minutes of the work day aside to play that game. Have them teach you. Anything from Bingo, Pop question Trivia to Art and creative drawing. Of course the topics can be related to your business. For us a Mensa IQ quiz is ideal to test mental stamina. We also love the dice games. The main criteria – keep it light hearted and fun for everyone.
#4 Teach a Thrill Skill
Each week 1 person in the team teaches everyone else their unique skill. From Origami to Knots and Body Percussion or Dancing. Even sharing the best short cuts and office hacks and app hacks to make life easier and happier at work.
#5-50 Scavenger Hunts direct from your office for free
Go for a Team Walk together; spilt into teams of 3-5 and recover a set of items. Score the items with a Thumbs up or down. Duplicate Items cancel each other and no item can be used twice or handed down to another team. Simples! Right – Lets go. Most details are worked out on the way anyway!
- Photograph; Person doing a handstand, Shaking Hands, Riding a Bike, People Smiling – “when you smile the whole world smiles with you”, Paying it Forwards, a leaf, a barefoot, a musical instrument.
- For the more clever organisations and leadership teams Photograph and share Images Capturing People displaying ; danger, chivalry, sensitivity, empathy, trust, caring, sharing, support, humour, being airborne, balance, reflections, mirroring
- Team getting the most people pointing at the camera and smiling saying we love Mondays
- Record and post a special message on any social media channel related to your business
- Bring back a piece of History
- Make a +ve environmental impact by following the McDonalds employee slogan way “Clean as You Go”
- Find 3 statues and make poses impersonating those statues – we love the ones of the Children playing in Wynyard
- Donate $5 from each staff member to a selected charity
- Read each others palms 0- yes palm reading creates connectivity in the work place as it does everywhere else in life – try it know… ooops now!
- Sing or Dance on Town Hall steps, Martin Place, Darling Harbour, Circular Quay or in your offices
- Create an Elevator Pitch about; 1 Item in Your wallet, In the darkest recess of your Desk Drawer, your shoes, about an item on your desk that you have not gotten rid of yet…
- Give Free Hugs
If all this is too challenging, please dial the emergency Thrillsters phone hotline 0459 1111 29 to hire a professional team building facilitator take the group through the Monday Itis stress relieving work empowering people to perfom to their best –
“Hey I know someone and a company’s business that specialises in these motivational team building solutions. They are a select rogue band of Sydneyites called the Thrill team builders with over 350 games and office staff morale boosting dudes” – Call 02 9630 2222 or complete the enquiry form below.