
Challenge Teams

Challenge teams. When facing pressure, teams may fail. The best way to prepare for the future is to challenge your teams. Implementing a challenge for your staff to succeed in, boosts confidence. Providing immediate feedback on performance.

It also unites your team to accomplish more.

Thrill team events provides the challenge to rise to any occasion. Here over 100 Unilever staff are presented by Thrill staff training facilitators with a series of teamwork challenges to accomplish. Training their collaborative problem solving skills to attain excellence.

Each subsequent teamwork challenge, although met with trepidation! Was more successfully achieved. Implementing the cliche that ‘Practice makes perfect sense’. Preventing poor performance.

Imagine you are an Olympian, would you wait till the crucial date of your world performance. Hoping that your innate skills will provide the best performance? Having coached elite athletes and attempting to become one; I have found that careful planning, a series of successive challenges with repetition cycles has resulted in excellent performances in  all conditions.

If you are seeking to make improvements to your staff – its time to follow in our Olympic Ideals and Olympian footsteps and rise to that challenge!

Thrill will design a series of team challenges (including Mini Olympics) to help staff practice project management, whilst having fun! When is the next time you will Thrill your team?

Speak with CEO Konrad Lippmann personally to discuss your business challenge. m 0459 1111 29

Or complete an obligation free appraisal enquiry to see what Thrill team events can create for your business.