Team building Mission Possible Sydney events for Corporate Groups

DB SCHENKER MISSION POSSIBLE Client Retention Team Building

Team building Mission Possible Sydney events for Corporate GroupsCongratulations DB SCHENKER

Client relationship managers and staff.

YouDB Shenker team building with Thrill in Sydney have succeeded this far into your Mission!







Now its time to test the best.

Translate into English and say this as a team in German to Konrad :

Ich werde mein Bestes geben, ist die Kundenbindung zu konzentrieren und außergewöhnlichen Service bieten. Dass Kunden zufrieden sind.

Geheimwort ist die LIEBE


Super clever

Find out more; Decipher this coded sentence.


Fmfduspojd tbgf mpdlfe jo xijuf Upzpub Wfijdmf. Dpmmfdu lfz po b qvsqmf dbsbcjofs gspn Uisjmm bhfou.
