Sustainable Development Goals Staff Team Building Leadership Workshops by Thrill to Build a Better World

SDG is Thrill’s new powerful interactive staff communication and collaboration team building experiential leadership workshop game, creating more sustainable futures.

Covering insights into our future;


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With Thrill facilitated SDG sustainable collaboration learning games.

Players engineer and run projects with limited given resources to make informed choices. That can simulate and create our future 2030 world.

Thrill 2030 SDG world environment is not just a game; it’s a leadership training tool with experiential applied learning outcomes based on real experiences.

Immersing players in 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.


SDG team building by Thrill sustainable goals 1-6

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Allowing staff and companies to experience the actions required to create a really robust model of a sustainable world.

Thrill SDG games aims to shape players’ around the mindsets of sustainability.

Providing an inspirational, aspirational aim to create real-world actions.

By focusing the lense of sustainability interactions on three critical Pillars:

  • People

  • Planet

  • Prosperity

Since 2018, iNNOVGoals’ Certified 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Game Thrill Facilitation team has brought the game to local corporations (corporate), international schools, universities, businesses, and not for profit organisations.

The 2030 SDGs Game is an interactive card game designed by the Japanese company Imacocollabo. Sustainable Development Goals SDG team games have been played by more than 350,000 participants globally.

Available throughout Sydney, Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Coffs Harbour, The Gold Coast and Brisbane. We also cover all conference venues and staff events throughout Australia.

Thrill Sustainable facilitators are trained to guide the players through the series of games. Similar to trading and commodities, monopoly, world domination, fireworks factory facilitated card gamed. Ensuring a qualitative, rewarding communication and collaborative experience.

Please contact Thrill Sustainability and Environmental leaders in society programs today. Let us facilitate experiential future leaders learning experiences for your staff, managers, teams and colleagues.

Discuss your teams requirements and Speak with a local Australian environmentalist Konrad Lippmann m 0459 11111 29 to create sustainable futures.

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