Teaching Teachers with excellence in Team Building Activities for 2025 Education Inservice

Teaching teachers team building by Thrill education recognises that even teachers of schools, colleges, TAFE and universities need help with their own team building.

Having one of the largest staff assets, principals are often caught in the balancing act of running the educational institution as well as training their own staff to be a smooth running team.

Konrad Lippmann principal of Thrill team building and team development in Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Hunter Valley; Suggests uniting schools and educational facility staff with teachers to unite stringly and lead the way into 2025.

Konrad Lippmann Thrill team events host presenting awards and MC for educational oitcomes and curriculum

Thrill educational team events helps schools and university teaching staff by providing a selection of fun teachers activities through to serious team development and leadership training for both government and private education facilities.

10 Team Building Activities to Motivate your Teaching Staff to Communicate and Collaborate during Inservice

  • Icebreakers and Games that are superb fun, getting teachers connected, communicating, being friendly, breaking down barriers, getting to know each other better and laughing together. Min 2 Win It Games Compendium. Dice games, Scattegories, Pictionary, Spicks and Specks, Trivia, Action, Playing, Modified Indoor Sports all combined into incredibly fun 1-3hr teachers workshop
  • Amazing races around the school, local community or exciting city area. Intelligent combined 4 team building activities into #1 amazing format. 1. Cerebral – Intellectual, 2. Physical Relay, 3. Creative Artworks and 4. Lateral Thinking.

amazing race teams receive hunter valley team activities education staff clue

  • Treasure Hunts and Scavenger Hunts that discover more about your educational facility, the staff and co workers or the environment. The neat trick here is create a collaborative component that draws all teachers together. Such as opening the treasure Chest together, which of course cannot be achieved alone, but with all teams knowledge combined.
  • Navigation, Orienteering, Missions, Quests, Murder Mysteries, CSI. All the activities that require teachers to think strategically together to accomplish the tasks and challenges.
  • Initiative Based Experiential Learning Activities for Teachers and Teaching staff that focuses on communication. Poles Apart, Peanut Butter, Evolution, Nuclear Hazard, Building Bridges, Tower Drop, Triangle in a Square are all terrific teamwork initiative activities to have your employees working together more effectively.
  • Personality Profiling linked with experiential learning activities to reinforce the understandings. Improve communication. Thrill suggests Myers Briggs Type Indicator MBTI as the most proven and recognised work preference tool. Team Management Systems TMS is also brilliant for school staff looking to understand and communicate more effectively. Thrill education is an accredited facilitator of both TMS and MBTI with trained facilitators ready to help your team.
  • Team Construction by Thrill team builders. Building Bridges, Building Towers, Building Rafts, Building Structures, Playing With Lego also called Serious Lego Play.

Why is Team Building Important To Teachers?

Creates a sense of team unity and enhance working relationships. No, it’s more than that! The team building activities facilitated by Thrill unite staff to rally together. To rely upon one another. Openly communicate and engage with one another. They are designed to build and strengthen work place the bonds of relationships between teachers. To help staff organise themselves to project plan and collaborate for the greater good of the total faculty and school.

What are Examples of Professional Development for Teachers?

What is a Teacher Workshop?

How do you Build Teamwork In Schools ?

Avoid long meetings without agendas. Create short meetings with a defined action plan that provides roles and responsibilities in a time line that requires input to be completed at set intervals until the project is complete. Make staff responsible for their components by creating an action team and group learning or application contract signed by each teacher.

Ensure that there is equal contribution by all staff according to their skill sets and personality type.