Each day Thrill team events receives a series of requests to facilitate team building activities that revolve around leadership and trust. In the real example from today. Our client writes:
What particular activity/program do you run in terms of trust building?
We would like to gauge the kind of activity that would be available.
Subject: Team building – Leadership Facilitation Coach
Good morning Client
Yes we conduct leadership sessions for small teams of 2-10 staff. In essence our key qualified Facilitators deliver a set of initiatives and games that strategically develop your skills of communication, collaboration and cohesion.
A great place to start is to define specific areas you wish to to develop.
Today we would like to discuss that trust is an issue
if so what in terms of trust would you like to address?
Please advise the outcomes you wish to achieve:

LEADERSHIP TRUST ACTIVITY FACILITATION by accredited activities staff:
As an example we would create a hypothetical scenario looking at trust within your context or even in Today – Do we trust Trump?
On the Floor we would have placards as a Likert Scale
Having team members position them selves along the scale and briefly discuss their position.
We would then provide a scenario
– i.e. 1 of your team is drowning, there are 10 items in the room you can use to save them,
what would you do? How?
perform / demonstrate
Get the team from 1 side of room/space to another utilising only the implements provided by Thrill.
The activities are continued to be provided by the facilitator directing the team to accomplish tasks together.
Communicating Blindfolded to open a lock, navigate through a mindfield, retrieve items…
Essentially the facilitator assesses your team to work through the issues and modify content to elicit the outcome of
- increased cooperation
- reliance on each other
- greater understanding
- commonality of purpose
- goal setting
With these elements addressed trust between people typically increases. However to build ongoing trust with your peers and work colleagues looking at improving the following will assist.
- reliability
- sincerity
- consistency
- commitment
- competence
1hr Sydney Leadership development Trust activities with a Thrill professional Facilitator for up to 15 staff
To enquire please call 02 9630 2222
Konrad Lippmann – Events Coordinator & Director
BA Human Movement, Grad Dip Ed, PCO & TMS Accredited
24 years experience in creating exceptional team events for top 500 companies
Head Office Phone: 02 9630 2222 M: 0459 1111 29 e: info@thrill.com.au