corporate team building activities plant a tree day

Tree Planting for Groups, Corporates, Employees and Staff Team Building Activities

Tree Planting is an awesome way to have your company be more green and ESG groups supporting the local environment as a local sustainable positive impact group initiative.

More native seedlings to Trees + Planting Trees Together = A healthier society.

Thrill Trees for cities is designed to help build sustainable communities replenish, nourish and green our surburbs and Australian cities.

Get digging into Sydney, Brisbane or Gold Coast Soils with an inspiring way to spend time outdoors with your staff, employees, colleagues and clients on Bush Regneration programs and then plant native trees, which help our local ecological communities.


Australian National Tree Planting update: planting tree day ideal for corporate team building activities around Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane

We are excited to announce that we have more 2024 Tree Planting Team Building activities available in Sydney and North West suburbs.

Tree Day in 2024, Schools Tree Day is Friday 26th July and National Tree Day is Sunday 28th July 2024

​”Every day can be Tree Day, Let’s dedicate the celebration of Schools Tree Day and National Tree Day on the last Friday and Sunday in July.

How to get your team or group involved – complete Thrill enquiry form to add your application to your registerable 2024 National Tree Day event.

There is no upper limit to the amount of staff you can bring!

We’d love your support some large scale habitat bush regeneration projects!

Australian native tree plantings happening throughout the whole year.  ​

​To register your Tree Planting teamwork team building event, get more information on Environmental Bank. Please enquire;


Teams planted over 5 million plants since 2015. On Thrill programs, Trees were planted at assessed environmental sites across Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Brisbane and all around Australia.

Tree Planting activities for teamwork and staff connection in the outdoors

This year local care Corporate Business teams can join Plant a Tree Day during the week and celebrate its 24th birthday. Planet Ark and our friends on The City of Gold Coast Council, Parramatta City Council, Ryde Council, Ku-Ringai Council, Hornsby Council, Sydney City Council and Auburn Council want your business team to help assist and grow the right trees in the right places.

Currently we have Tree Planting program availability in the Hunter Valley, Brisbane suburbs and Gold Coast.

With your teamwork, staff training, ESG goals and corporate sustainability or carbon offset investment help, we can.

We are looking for businesses, corporate clients and organisers to dedicate their teams energies to a worthwhile corporate socially responsible events that freshens our air. Shoiw that you care about your local environments.

Tree planting for staff team building activities in Sydney

TREE Protection; if you know of a site, property, land that has mature Australian Native Trees that require support and protection – please let us know.

Register before June 30 2024 for your chance to win a $500 Bonus Thrill team building events gift voucher!

Enquire Here for Sustainable Tree Planting Team 2-3hrs Quote