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Basketball-Flashmob-Thrill Sydney flashmobbing with 50 dancer performers

THRILL Sydney FIBA Basketball Flashmob with 100 days to the Women’s Basketball World Cup

THRILL Events Sydney Flashmob Client Brief: Create a stunning iconic Sydney Flash mob with 50 dancer performers that epitomises women in sport and symbolises 100 days count down to The Womens World Cup in Sydney Olympic Park. Konrad Lippmann Beautiful to create a brilliant Flash Mob on Sydney Harbour for Women’s Basketball World Cup 100 […]

THRILL Sydney FIBA Basketball Flashmob with 100 days to the Women’s Basketball World Cup Read More »

Suncorp Team Building activities in Sydney on Coogee Beach with Thrill team events training facilitators

Suncorp Staff Testimonial Coogee Crowne Plaza Conference

Thrill facilitated professional Team Building Outcomes for Suncorp at Coogee Crowne Plaza. Suncorp is an insurance company with many brands that includes leading general insurance, banking, life insurance and superannuation brands through Australia and New Zealand. SUNCORP managers were thrilled to participate in a fun sequence of team initiatives, fun exercises based on leadership training

Suncorp Staff Testimonial Coogee Crowne Plaza Conference Read More »

Facilitated teamwork team building activities and initiatives to connect and link staff improve trust and communication by Thrill team development MBTI personality profiling professionals

Team Development Personality Profiling MBTI Staff Training Workshops by Accredited Professionals

Team Development is about understanding the different personalities and communication styles within your reconnected team. Thrill team development facilitates staff training programs on how staff can work better together more effectively. Integration of MBTI personality profiling tools into staff training coupled with experiential learning activities. From Poles Apart to Win-Win Team Initiatives, to RatTrap and

Team Development Personality Profiling MBTI Staff Training Workshops by Accredited Professionals Read More »