Horse Team Building leadership development activities are a brilliant experience in learning more about leadership, more about staff and yourself.
Horses may mirror you and your staff or project teams in a non judgemental way.
Thrill staff team building horse whispering facilitators are available in Sydney, The Hunter Valley, Southern Highlands and throughout the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and on The South Coast.
Our Horse Management staff are exceptional personal coach, horse trainer and team development facilitators. Who assist you implementing your teams self development and leadership skills. Working on improving your emotional intelligence.
Become focussed, present, accountable, trustworthy, aware and more authentic.
Animals such as Horses, help us understand that team building and leadership begins with who we are being.
Thrill Exemplary Horse Whispering Team Building Facilitators that Lead Staff to Communicate more Effectively with Understanding and Empathy
Amazingly and intuitively a horse can guide you in the processes of leadership development:
- Self Development
- Self Awareness
- Consensual Leadership
- Communicating with others in a much healthier way
- Embodying Goals
- Exercises with horses to human situations
- Collaboration, cooperation, focus, experimentation
- Unified Vision
- Building Trust
- Empathy
- Respect
- Emotional Intelligence interpreted
- Overcoming personal and group management Obstacles
- Understanding body language
- How levels of energy affects performance and your relationship with others
Allow your staff to receive the knowledge that a horse holds
Each Horse has a gift, they can help you discover “how it feels to be grounded, authentic, open and soaring in the unlimited potential of creation”.
Working with horses is completed safely in a team building activity environment of developing trust and respect.
Initially safely from the ground. Thrill Horse team building and leadership activities exercises have been created for non-horse people looking for different ways to interact.
Speak with Konrad Lippmann Thrill leadership facilitator to gain a more detailed perspective on how working with horses can be a powerful and rewarding staff team building or personal development experience. Call m 0459 111 129
Horsemanship and Horse Management skills to Leadership and staff confidence building
Horse team building is for individuals and teams to benefit from equine experiential learning. Implementing existing corporate activities and team building exercises as an optional activity.
Equine experiential learning activities are a leading-edge modality for developing human potential. No prior contact or horse experience is required. We offer well-being and corporate team building workshops in co-creation with horses and nature.
Through a series of horse management activities, with and without horses. Individuals can learn to find within themselves more awareness, mindfulness and being present.
Participants improve their communication skills, focus and motivation. Further developing their emotional intelligence and self confidence. Which in turn enhances the potential for greater performance. As well as more creativity in problem solving and positivity in utilising team work skills.
Interactions with horses also reduces stress, pressure and help better respond to challenging circumstances.
Horse-facilitated activities can help you recognise the conditioning of our society and parenting. So you can move beyond the coping strategies associated with surviving in a competitive world.
“Just Being with these sentient beings (horses) provides a sense of peace, like deep meditation, allowing you to quiet your mind.
When you quiet your mind you stop thought; when you stop thought you stop resistance; when you stop resistance… you are in a state of allowing.
Then clarity and inner guidance can flow, you enhance the ability to tune into your non-verbal intelligence and you move towards a better life in balance.”
Julie – Thrill Team Building Horse Management Facilitator
“Moving in towards 2024, effective staff leadership requires a strong set of skills. Thrill works with your staff to further develop emotional intelligence, strategic alliance and strategic thinking, enterprenuership, innovation, communication, accountability and being / practicing adaptability. All of us can lead with confidence, further inspiring, our teams to achieve greater success.”
Konrad Lippmann Nov 2023.
Thank you for your interest in making a difference for your staff training development. Enquire here to receive a free appraisal and Horse Staff Team Building Quotes. Please complete the following form