10 New Charity Team Building Activities to Help and Support Kids, Families and Charities in 2024

Thrill works with your staff by facilitating new team building for charities, providing 10 new help support disadvantaged youth and Australian kids Charities.9 things you should say to your kids every day like i love you and im proud of you, you are specialThrill believes in children's charities and assistance by corporate groups helping Barnardos

Ideal for groups, employee re connection and staff training with exceptional facilitated team building activities that helps others and gives back.

Helping support children’s charities, families and flood stricken communities in from Sydney to Lismore and Ballina on the Far North NSW coast. From South East Queensland storm ravaged communities. From Gold Coast, throughout Brisbane to The Sunshine Coast and Cairns.

Let’s start a conversation or contact by making a more positive way for your staff to share their stories, communicate, collaborate and be rewarded. In a new staff connection Charity Team Building helping others process.

Invest in creating real business community engagement success by linking with current help and aid projects. That get to the heart of what matters – supporting Australian’s. Whilst building your team work, helping worthy charity causes.

Call Konrad Lippmann at Thrill for excellent staff engagement business and corporate group CSR philanthropic team events on T: 0459 1111 29.

Please create a time that will make all the difference in other peoples lives by your investment in theirs.

Children's Charity team building thank you to Thrill teams from RIDBC Kids


10 New Quality Team Building Charity Activities That Give Back to Community to Help Kids and the Charities that Support Them


#1 Operation Buddy Back Pack and Solar Buddies PALS
Its back to school time! Lets get packing together to donate excellent resources for communities and families to survive 2021, increase learning and accessibility to the outdoors. The operation buddy back pack is the best resource for a child to get to set for success at school. It’s their survival pack and security blanket. Imagine having your staff pack school accessories that include a personalised message of encouragement and pride. Above is a list of the 9 things you should say to your kids everyday.

For powerful support Thrill Solar Buddy’s PALS are the best in energy poverty fighting systems. A real multi-purpose solar panel is adapted to on-goingly power lighting systems, smart phones, fans, educational devices and people.

Solar PALS energy crisis team building activities for events and expos bringing solar lights to disadvantaged communities

#2 Wheely Mobile Charity Team Building BMX Bikes for aspiring cyclists and sustainability futures
Do you love the freedom of wheels. At Thrill we certainly do. From mobility, to transportability and sustainability. Let’s encourage the youth of Australia to adopt riding and self propelled activities. Cut the obesity and disengagement edpidemic. By giving activities that develop macro and micro skills development. Wheels provide independent travel for all people, kids especially. Select the style of travel by wheels from Billy Carts to Wheel Chairs, Scooters, Bikes, Trikes, Wagons, BMX and balance bikes. Kids love to show off their toys and chuck wheelies when receiving their gifts built by your staff training teamwork

#3 Blankets of Warmth
– A terrific concept to keep less fortunate warm, see more of the Thrilling yet heart warming ideas here from TB Unlimited.

Teamwork to create Blankets of Warmth. Groups stitch their designs and assemble wonderful blanket. Which will donated to children in hospitals, child care centers and other charitable organisations.

There are many different ways to assemble and finish these great fleece blankets, so there is ample room for creativity, as well as practicality. Choose from a variety of patterns and styles of fleece, as well as finishing techniques. Working in teams of 2-3, these no-sew blankets are fun to make.

Once the blankets are completed, they will be donated to local organizations: Shelters, Police, Fire, Disaster, Hospitals or another charity. This Charity Challenge is fun and altruistic. It benefits your team and the children who receive the Blankets of Hope. It’s a Win-Win event for your group.

#4 Rocking Horses and Dolls Houses Gifts
You’re on a winner with the Rocking Horse team building event especially as we get near the Melbourne Cup. Help a group of disadvantaged children smile. As the racing carnival hits the corporate box offices. Ideal for large groups before their Melbourne Cup betting and luncheon or drinks. Invest in worthwhile non violent horse racing success. Ensure disadvantaged or domestic violence suffering kids receive that same level of joy, at the next Horses Gift.


Team building rocking horses for children to have great fun playing on

#5 Community Team Art Murals
Get your staff, employees and teams painting beautiful, vibrant Murals for Children’s centers, Community Centers. Brightening the lives and landscapes of a child’s life.
Thrill artists will create the outline and collaborate with your companies Human Resources (HR), Learning and Development (L & D), Training and Skill Acquisition to paint delightful images. Colourful, creative, council approved artworks on the streets. Lets Brighten up Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbanes outer suburbs with an image that enlightens. 


Collaboration process of creating art murals and artworks by staff on the streets in Sydney and Gold Coast connecting with communities

#6 Garden Environment and Community Gardening Projects producing edible gardens, where children can learn more about where food comes from and sustainable growth!

#7 Charity Cubby House Staff Team Building is Child’s Play
Whilst we all felt the effects of the recent rain events. 1,000’s on the Far NSW North Coast and SE Queensland have been devastated by the floods. With no insurance. Lets give them a helping hand building furniture and kids cubby houses. Providing a safe imaginative space we assemble flat packed or custom designed cubby houses. Placed in Children’s Centers and emergency or hospital venues where the kids will play and be in awe of your team working together to accomplish a special play environment. Imagine having all your corporate teams, staff, partners, delegates or managers build 3-15 Cubby Houses in one GO – we would call that a corporate cup cubby-a-thon!!!


#8 Care Bears and Buddies Build the ultimate care bear that will give comfort and care for young Australians of the Future. Cute and Cuddly team building.


Red Wagon filled with Kids Toys for Charity Team Building Activities on Gold Coast events and in Sydney

#9 Operation Red Wagon – Have your team building activities fun negotiating parts to build a fantastic Red Wagons for kids 2-6 years old. Cross teamwork Collaboration, Communication and friendly competitions to build the best Red Wagon. Improve the team development and community outcome, and fill the Red Wagons of Hope with Hampers of food for families or Toys 4 kids.  

#10 Charity Cooking for Homelessness Master Charity Chef Fun is Nourishing Food for Thought

Thrill partners with key Team Building Charity groups on The Gold Coast, Brisbane and around Australia.

Including; Ronald McDonald House, Make a Wish, Camp Quality, Care Flight, World Vision, Variety, Smith Family, Wesley Mission, Mission Australia, Kids Wish, Kids with Cancer, Oz Child, St Vincent De Paul, Barnardos, Red Kite and many more.

If you have a partner Charity, we can build them directly into the build projects.

Please make a difference and invest in worthwhile strategic team building charities.

Discuss your charity help team building ideas with us Call : 0459 11 11 29.

Contact Thrill for further details incorporating your business values and culture.

Our partner charities or communities need your assistance.

Thrill looks forward to many large group team building charity corporate events in 2023!

Connect with Thrill Team Events for Sydney, Hunter Valley and Gold Coast


    Mobile 0459 1111 29