Head & Heart Leadership scale, of Konrad Lippmann CEO Thrill

Head and Heart Based Leadership in Staff Team Building by Konrad Lippmann Thrill CEO

Staff Leadership is often said to be led with the Heart or the Head, neither is entirely true as we are influenced by many variables including our situation and environment.

Here Konrad Lippmann team building and staff to managers leadership facilitator, Thrill CEO with 20+ years experience in leadership staff training.

Completes and shares his head and heart leadership scale results.

The following leadership profiling tool has been developed by the esteemed Dr Kirstin Ferguson.

“An author, columnist and company director. One of Australia’s most prominent leadership experts, Kirstin is also making a global impact, with UK-based Thinkers50 naming her one of the world’s top 30 “Thinkers to Watch” and she was shortlisted for the Distinguished Award in Leadership.

Kirstin’s career includes three decades of leadership experience including a previous appointment by the Australian Prime Minister as Acting Chair and Deputy Chair of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Kirstin has previously been the CEO of a global consulting firm, was a senior executive at a leading corporate law firm

and spent nearly 10 years as an Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force.”

How to interpret leadership scale in relation to a Team Building Facilitator and Staff Training Programs

Head & Heart Leadership scale, of Konrad Lippmann CEO Thrill

Konrad Lippmann’s HEAD-BASED results are shown on the left-hand side of the circle. The points of the dark blue star mark Konrad’s mean average score for each of the four head-based leadership attributes. The light blue shading for each leadership attribute shows the mean score for other leaders who have completed the Head – Heart scale.

Konrad’s HEART-BASED results are shown on the right-hand side of the circle. The points of the dark orange star mark is his mean average score for each of the four heart-based leadership attributes. The light-yellow shading for each leadership attribute shows the mean score for other leaders who have completed the Head – Heart scale.

Konrad Lippmann’s Leadership of Thrill Staff Team Building and Team Events Results

These results indicate that Konrad Lippmann tends to be more of a head-based leader. This does not mean I don’t draw on other leadership attributes when I need to. Based on my self-assessment (which can be flawed, biased, situational and skewed). I may be more inclined to demonstrate leadership skills, in a more analytical way.

Understanding my or your leadership insights. Means we are focusing on the right attributes. We can ensure you are developing those leadership attributes you need to. So that you can more readily draw from all aspects of head and heart leadership as needed, in any given situation.

Below is how I have assessed myself in each leadership attribute. Listed from highest attribute to lowest.

  1. Courage – highlighted in orange bottom right quadrant
  2. Curiosity – highlighted in blue bottom left quadrant
  3. Capability
  4. Wisdom
  5. Self-awareness
  6. Perspective
  7. Humility
  8. Empathy – this is an area that I can focus and improve on. Over the many years of corporate team building facilitation I have found that under threats, stress and uncertainty. That my empathy scores decrease. When I am secure, confident, am supported and have time to reflect more, recover and relax. Then my empathy scores increase.

Action Plan

With trusted mentors and colleagues prompt a discussion on what you have learnt about your own leadership after completing this scale. What it may mean for your leadership impact in the future. You might like to ask yourself or others the following questions on your leadership style.


    • Are you surprised by your results?
    • What insights did you gain from seeing how you score compared to others, both overall and in each leadership attribute?
    • What does modern leadership mean to you?
    • What will you need to do differently in terms of the kind of leadership you value and reward?
    • What attributes of your head and heart leadership will you focus on developing?
    • What do you plan to do differently in the future?
    • Who have you identified to provide you with feedback on how you are doing?
    • How comfortable are you to integrate your leadership at home with your leadership at work?
    • What qualities of leadership do you think you can bring into both areas you might not already?

Head & Heart The Art of Modern Leadership

If you haven’t already ordered a copy of the book, you can do so via most good bookstores or by visiting the Head & Heart Leader online store.

In this definitive book on leadership, Dr Kirstin Ferguson invites you to rethink how you lead and to integrate your head and your heart. Combining research from leading thinkers in the field, alongside her own new research and more than three decades of personal experience, Kirstin explains the eight key attributes of a head-and-heart leader and provides you with the tools to measure your own approach. Along the way, Kirstin shares her conversations with modern leaders from a broad range of backgrounds whose stories will surprise you, challenge your thinking and inspire you to be the type of leader the world needs today.

Organise a team or organisation wide Head & Heart Leader Scale™

We can arrange for individuals in your team, or your entire organisation, to complete the Head & Heart Leader Scale™. Everyone will receive their own report as well as the result of all your team or organisation.

To organise a staff training leadership session with Konrad Lippmann CEO Thrill. Please complete enquiry for a Free Leadership quote.



    Thrill Leadership Horse Whispering program + event management fee / development at $255 per hour + gst